2011 Ford F550 [ https://www.gsaauctions.gov/auctions/preview/309524 ] 12/19/2024 05:00 PM EST
*CURRENT BID: 2500.0 STATE: PA Pennsylvania Auctions Listings NO. OF BIDDERS: 1 CLOSE TIME: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 16:00:00 CST *
[ https://www.gsaauctions.gov/auctions/preview/309524 ] *2011 Ford F550: *4 Wheel Drive, 8 Cylinder, 6.7L Diesel, 19,500 GVWR, VIN 1FD0X5HT2BEC26095, Extended Cab, 90,692 miles, 4,273 engine hours, 1,892 engine idle hours, Brand FX Model 662 Type 6 Engine, fiberglass utility body, 317-gallon capacity water tank, Darley 1.5 AGE pump with Diahatsu diesel engine with 318 hours, red emergency lights. This vehicle is located at 5206 Bushkill Falls Road in Bushkill PA 18324. Inspection prior to bidding is recommended. Sold as is.
Items are warranted as to description only. Condition is not guaranteed. Deficiencies, when known, will be announced. However, absence of announced deficiencies does not necessarily mean there are none. We strongly encourage you to inspect the items before you bid.
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